General Fund
IC Endowment Fund
Laying the Foundation

The IC Endowment Fund was established to support the philosophy and financial stability of IC School and its children and their grandchildren.

In view of the fact that many Catholic schools have been forced to close due to lack of financial support, the IC Endowment Fund will ensure the continuation and enhancement of all that we hope to achieve in a Catholic school.

IC's Giving Tree

Our Giving Tree, located in the main hallway of the school, provides an opportunity for individuals and families to contribute to the IC Endowment.

The Giving Tree is an integral part of our campaign efforts. Not only will it provide supporters with a tangible means of recognition for their gifts, it will also be an excellent way to preserve the special occasions and accomplishments of loved ones for years to come.

Memorial Leaf: $100
Memorial Stones: $350, $500, and $1000
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